Philmont First Steps To An Ultimate Goal

Philmont First Steps To An Ultimate Goal

On March 26 and 27, seven younger scouts (largely 12-year-olds) took the first step toward a Philmont Trek in 2024 with a backpacking trip on the AT (Appalachian Trail). For those familiar with the AT it was a hike up to COWROCK to spend the night.  They did...
2022 Pinewood Derby Results

2022 Pinewood Derby Results

Pack 440 held their first Pinewood Derby race on March 26th at The Craddock Center in Cherry Log, GA. The Pack had seven competitors and three outlaws. Car number 42 finished first in speed and won best of show.  Number 42 was followed by card number 2014 finished...
2022 Scout Banquet Recap

2022 Scout Banquet Recap

The 2022 Scout recognition banquet was celebrated Saturday, March 12th, 2022. Parker, our master of ceremonies, lead us through an evening of recognition and celebration. Jeremy Bruce single-handedly prepared and served our meals for the evening. Arrow Of Light...

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