written by David Grubb
This March, I took one Scout from Troop 440 Ellijay, my son, James to the ordeal. He was totally ready for the experience. I gave him some hints but didn’t tell him about the scant food that he would be eating.
While James was off doing his ordeal, I joined Chris and Troop 101 on a service project, building a shed at COPE. Before lunch, we set and cemented 4 6×6″ posts. After lunch, we added the rafters and latice for the roofing.

I caught up with James at his ceremony… looking a little worn from the ordeal. Chris gave him some cookies to hold him over till dinner. We tried to make it to the campfire but he was too worn out. We both went back to camp and called it an early night.

The food all weekend was awesome as always. We had a great time, ate a lot, and almost finished the shed.