Pack 402
Thursday Nights at 6:30 pm
Scout Hut, 75 McCutchen ST,
Ellijay, GA

Mountain District Calendar
District Blog
Merit Badge Cross-reference Guide
As the Hornaday Awards is being retired, the Distinguished Conservation Award will be taking it's place. The merit badge cross-reference guide began as a way to understand what merit badges were used for conservation. The screenshots below will show you the merit...
My Pet “Pork Chop”
The following article is Roy's report for his Pet merit badge. We asked Roy if we could share it with you. At the beginning of October we had a meeting about raising a pig and showing through the school system and FFA. I committed myself to take care of the pig and...
2021 Recognition Event
Date and Time Saturday, March 27, 2021 - First United Methodist-MAC ​Blairsville, GA (MAC - Methodist Activity Center) Details Recognition of 2020 Eagles-there will be many!! Ruth BramlettTop 2020 popcorn sellers recognized by Jenny SowersArrow of Lights from 2020 -...
2020 Day Camps Update
Our council's Day Camp Director has important information about our upcoming Day Camps this summer. Check out her message here on the NEW Northeast Georgia Council's youtube page: (Feel free to subscribe and give us a like) Some...
2020 Mountain District Pinewood Derby
Date/Time: Mar 28, 2020 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Location: To Be DeterminedTBDTBD, GA 00000 Registration $5 Pre-register, $10 at the doorConcessions available at eventTrophies for Top 3 in Speed & Best-in-Show.Top 3 advance to Council Race at Scout Show on April 24th....
2020 Mountain Bowl-a-rama
Date/Time: Feb 15, 2020 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Location: Fannin Lanes4115 East 1st StreetBlue Ridge, GA 30513 Cost: $10.00 per person Pre Registered (Scouts & Family)$15.00 at the door Cost includes shoe rental and 2 hours of bowlingAll pre-registration...
2020 Northeast Georgia Council Mountain District Recognition Banquet
March 14, 2020 - 6 PM - First United Methodist Church of Union County Recognition of the Class of 2019 Eagle ScoutsPresentation of the District Award of Merit to a deserving Scouter2019 Arrow of Lights from Mountain will receive a special recognition2019 TOP Popcorn...
Apple Arts Recycle Event
Troop 440 teamed up with Keep Gilmer Beautiful to conduct a recycle/beautification survey downtown during the Apple Festival weekends. The Troop took over 150 surveys collecting email addresses for future contact. Scoutmaster David Grubb along with Lukas D., Keese D.,...
Gilmer & Fannin Mtn District Adventure Day 11.9.19
Mountain District presents Cub Adventure Day for Gilmer and Fannin Counties at the Scout Hut 75 McCutchen ST, Ellijay, GA 30540 Sat. Nov. 9th 9am-5pm Registration is at 8:30am Call Cassie Stover