2021 Mountian Spring Camporee

Nick Wimberley (01:01) It’s the mountain district spring Camporee. We have four counties here, Gilmer, Fannin, union, and town, at least one troop from every County. This called, Scottish Highland games and the boys from troop 32, our host for this. We were here...
Merit Badge Cross-reference Guide

Merit Badge Cross-reference Guide

As the Hornaday Awards is being retired, the Distinguished Conservation Award will be taking it’s place. The merit badge cross-reference guide began as a way to understand what merit badges were used for conservation. The screenshots below will show you the...
My Pet “Pork Chop”

My Pet “Pork Chop”

The following article is Roy’s report for his Pet merit badge. We asked Roy if we could share it with you. At the beginning of October we had a meeting about raising a pig and showing through the school system and FFA. I committed myself to take care of the pig...

2021 Recognition Event

Date and Time Saturday, March 27, 2021 – First United Methodist-MAC ​Blairsville, GA (MAC – Methodist Activity Center) Details Recognition of 2020 Eagles-there will be many!! Ruth BramlettTop 2020 popcorn sellers recognized by Jenny SowersArrow of Lights...

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