by David Grubb | 404, Pack, Pack 404
We have regular Den Meetings on 2:30pm Sunday, April 10th at the Scout Hut. All Scouts should be looking at their book to see what they need to completed their Rank. All Scouts should either have earned their Duty God Emblem or complete the Duty God requirements...
by David Grubb | 404, Pack, Pack 404
We will have Den Meetings Sunday April 3rd, 2:30 pm at the Scout Hut. We will break out into Dens but at the end of the meeting time the Scouts may participate in Carnival games lead by the Bears. Bears need to bring their game items to set up their games....
by David Grubb | 404, News, Pack, Pack 404
Pinewood Derby Race Sat. March 12th 9am at Lowes Awards for Showing and Racing Pinewood Derby Cars. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for Show and Speed to Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos. Outlaws race for Braggin’ Rights only. You may invite a friend who is interested...
by David Grubb | 404, Pack, Pack 404
We will be having a Pinewood Derby Workshop, Sunday Feb. 28th 2016. Your participation is needed! Safety – all Scouts should bring their own glasses/goggles and gloves. Each Scout must have a ziplock bag with his name on the bag and all his parts inside:...
by David Grubb | 404, News, Pack, Pack 404
We will have regular Den Meetings Sunday Feb. 21st 2016 at the Scout Hut. The following two Sundays will be Pinewood Derby Race car workshops!!! If you have not been coming now is the time to get involved. The Pinewood Derby race is one of the most exciting times of...