2017 Memorial Day Celebration Weekend

  You are invited to join us at the Veterans Memorial Bridge and Park in Ellijay GA. Pack 404 will participate in the Memorial Day Celebration May 29th 11am at the Veterans Memorial Bridge and Park. We will join other organizations in the color guard for the...
Den Meetings Jan. 8th, 2017

Den Meetings Jan. 8th, 2017

Regardless of weather this weekend we will work on our Cyberchip Requirements. Go to this web page and choose the appropriate grade level, then complete #2 and #3: http://www.netsmartz.org/scouting We will sign our cards and share at our next meeting if we don’t...

Cub Scouts NOVA Tech Talk

Hello! I’m David Grubb and I’m here to talk to you about Tech Talk: a STEM Lock-in. What made our lock-in so special is that we combined it with an activity – a competition. Specifically for the Tech Talk, we did a Rainbow Regatta race. As you may know,...

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