This Fall’s camporee will be themed The Wild West.
Over the last Summer, Troop 101 had the chance to
experience the vast backcountry of Philmont Scout Ranch. On our trek had
several program events and we were inspired by the Western Theme. At
Philmont we shot many weapons, rode horses, had team building
exercises, and worked together to use our scout skills to complete our
62-mile trek. Now Troop 101 would like to bring this experience to this
Fall’s Camporee.
At this Camporee, patrols will compete in scout skill based competitions to win the grand prize of “Roxanne”. All of the competitions will be tied into the Wild West theme. Some of the highlight events include 22 caliber rifle shooting, lasso competition, slingshot shooting and atladdle throwing.
All the events will be point based. All timed events will have a point system assigned to them. All shooting sport events will be based on the number of targets hit. Points will also be given for each troop’s Scout Spirit throughout the day.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” ― John Wayne