Pack 402
Thursday Nights at 6:30 pm
Scout Hut, 75 McCutchen ST,
Ellijay, GA

Mountain District Calendar
District Blog
2017 Crossover
2017 Crossover will be at Bear Creek Sat. May 20th at 9:30am till noon.
Den Meetings Jan. 8th, 2017
Regardless of weather this weekend we will work on our Cyberchip Requirements. Go to this web page and choose the appropriate grade level, then complete #2 and #3: We will sign our cards and share at our next meeting if we don't meet...
Cub Scouts NOVA Tech Talk
Hello! I'm David Grubb and I'm here to talk to you about Tech Talk: a STEM Lock-in. What made our lock-in so special is that we combined it with an activity – a competition. Specifically for the Tech Talk, we did a Rainbow Regatta race. As...
Den Meetings Sunday Nov. 13th Scout Hut 2:30pm
We will have regular den meetings Sunday Nov. 13th Scout Hut 2:30pm. Opening Ceremony and Veterans Recognition Youth Protection Duty To God Veterans Recognition All Scouts are encouraged to write a letter to a Veteran to thank them and give appreciation for their...
Family Camping – Friday Sept. 30th at Bear Creek
Schedule Friday Sept. 30th at Bear Creek Camping 7pm arrival time Dark Thirty - Campfire program lead by the Wolves. All Dens should have a skit or song prepared Saturday Breakfast 9 to 11 - Dens should work on Outdoor requirements, Webelos to prepare religious...
Day of Remembrance Sunday 9/11/2016 2:30pm, Scout Hut
We are having our own day of remembrance for the Service Personal who answered the call on 9/11. All are invited. Scouts should wear their full uniform: Hat, Scarf and Shirt. 1) We will have a flag raising ceremony. 2) We will talk about what it means to be a Hero. 3)...
Den Meetings, Sunday Aug. 21st
Regular Den Meetings Sunday Aug. 21st at the Scout Hut No Uniforms
Family Camping April 29th, 2016
We will have family camping this weekend at Mr. Petkus' farm. Arrive when you can, hopefully before dark. We will complete as many rank requirements and activities towards the World Conservation Award as possible. Everyone is on there own for meals except for Sat....
Den Meetings Sunday, April 10th at the Scout Hut
We have regular Den Meetings on 2:30pm Sunday, April 10th at the Scout Hut. All Scouts should be looking at their book to see what they need to completed their Rank. All Scouts should either have earned their Duty God Emblem or complete the Duty God requirements...
Den Meetings Sunday April 3rd, 2:30 pm at the Scout Hut
We will have Den Meetings Sunday April 3rd, 2:30 pm at the Scout Hut. We will break out into Dens but at the end of the meeting time the Scouts may participate in Carnival games lead by the Bears. Bears need to bring their game items to set up their games....