Pack 402
Thursday Nights at 6:30 pm
Scout Hut, 75 McCutchen ST,
Ellijay, GA

Mountain District Calendar
District Blog
No Cub Scout Meeting April 12th 2015
There will not be a Cub Scout or Den Meeting(s) April 12th 2015.
2015 Spring Loop A Rama – Ellijay, GA
April 11, 2015 – Spring Loop A Rama – Ellijay, GA – Gilmer Scout Hut Event Schedule: 8:00 am Registration Opens 8:45 am Opening Ceremony 9:00 am Registration Closes 9:00 am Session 1 10:30 am Session 2 12:00 pm Belt Loops Presented Sports and Academic Belt Loops...
2015 District Pinewood Derby Race
Tune-up those cars! Let's have a rematch with the Scouts from the District. Location: Blairsville Recreation Dept. Gym - Google Map: What to Bring: Your legal Pinewood Derby car Scout to wear their full uniform with Hat and race awards When:...
March 2015 Upcoming Events
Please view the Gilmer Scout Calendar for the following upcoming events: Spring Fling - March 20-22 Community Service - March 28th District Pinewood Derby Race - March 29th
No Meeting Sunday March 15th
We will not have any Cub Scout meetings Sunday March 15th
2015 Pinewood Derby Race This Sat
2015 Pack 404 Pinewood Derby Race Saturday, March 14th Things To Bring: Full Uniform including hat Your Pinewood Derby Car Dress warm we maybe outside. See 2015 Pinewood Derby Location and Itinerary...
Let’s get Ready for Racing 2015: Sunday Feb 22
Pinewood Derby Race Car building and preparation. We will have tools and drawings available to start designing and cutting the pinewood derby cars. Location: We will meet at the Gates Chapel UMC at 2:30pm. What to Wear: Cub Scouts to wear their work clothes. Things To...
2015 “Carnival” Blue and Gold
Pack 404 "Carnival" Blue and Gold for 2015 will be at Gates Chapel United Methodist Church. Schedule: Friday Feb. 20th 6pm - arrive at your convenience, Cub Scouts to work on their Carnival Games and Webelos will work on their oven to cook their pizzas. Saturday Feb....
God and Me/Family #4 2-15-15
Pack 404 will be doing God and Me/Family lesson #4 2:30pm, Feb. 15th at Gates Chapel United Methodist Church. Please have your Scout bring their Prayer and Scout Book. All Scouts should be in full uniform except for their hat. Scout uniforms will be inspected for...
God and Me/Family #3 Feb. 8 2015
Pack 404 will be doing God and Me/Family lesson #3 2:30pm, Feb. 8th at Gates Chapel United Methodist Church. Please have your Scout bring their Prayer and Scout Book. All Scouts should be in full uniform except for their hat. Scout uniforms will be inspected for...